Writing can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to deciding on what topics to write about. Whether you’re an experienced writer or just starting out, coming up with fresh and compelling ideas is key to producing engaging content. So how do you choose the perfect writing idea? In this article, we will explore tips and techniques for finding inspiration, crafting interesting topics, and overcoming writer’s block. By the end, you’ll have a better understanding of how to navigate through the sea of writing possibilities and select the best themes for your writing.

Are you struggling to come up with ideas for your next writing project? Do you find yourself staring at a blank page, unsure of what topic to tackle? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Every writer has faced the daunting task of having to come up with something new and interesting to write about. Whether you are a professional writer or just someone who enjoys writing as a hobby, finding the right topics to write about can be a challenging but essential part of the writing process.

How to Choose Writing Ideas

The first step in choosing a writing topic is to determine your audience or purpose. Are you writing for a specific publication, a targeted group of readers, or for personal expression? Once you have a clear understanding of your audience and purpose, it makes it easier to narrow down potential writing ideas.

Another helpful tip is to consider your interests, hobbies, and passions. Writing about something you are genuinely interested in will not only make the writing process more enjoyable, but it will also ensure that you have a unique perspective on the topic.

Additionally, keep an eye out for current events, trends, or controversies that may spark ideas for writing. Paying attention to the world around you and staying informed on various topics can provide endless inspiration for writing.

Finding Inspiration for Writing

Inspiration can come from anywhere – a conversation with a friend, a beautiful view, a news headline, or even a dream. As a writer, it’s important to always be open to new ideas and experiences, as they can serve as the perfect starting point for your writing.

Reading is another excellent way to find inspiration for writing. Reading books, articles, or even social media posts by other writers can help stimulate your creativity and inspire new ideas. Just be sure not to plagiarize – while it’s perfectly acceptable to use others’ work as inspiration, it’s crucial to put your unique spin on any topic you write about.

Traveling and exploring new places can also provide a wealth of writing ideas. Immersing yourself in new cultures, meeting new people, and experiencing different environments can give you a fresh perspective and spark creativity in your writing.

Tips for Deciding on Writing Topics

Here are a few tips to help you narrow down your list of potential writing topics:

  • Do some research: If you have a few broad ideas in mind, do some research on each topic to see if there is enough material to write about. This will also help you determine if the topic has already been extensively covered, and if so, how you can approach it from a unique angle.
  • Consider your expertise: Another way to narrow down writing topics is to consider your expertise in a particular subject. Is there a topic you are knowledgeable about that you can share with others through your writing?
  • Ask for feedback: Sometimes, getting an outsider’s opinion can be helpful in deciding on a writing topic. Ask friends, family, or even other writers for their thoughts on your potential ideas.
  • Find a unique angle: Even if a topic has been widely covered, you can still find a unique angle to make it your own. Think about how you can add a new twist or perspective to a well-known topic.
  • Write about what interests you: As mentioned earlier, writing about something you are genuinely interested in will make the writing process more enjoyable and authentic. So, don’t be afraid to follow your curiosity and write about what truly interests you.

Brainstorming Writing Subjects

One of the most effective ways to come up with writing ideas is through brainstorming. This process involves generating a list of potential topics without judgment or censoring your thoughts. Here are a few helpful tips for productive brainstorming:

  • Write down everything that comes to mind, even if it seems silly or irrelevant.
  • Use visual aids like mind maps or charts to organize your thoughts and make connections between different ideas.
  • Set a timer and write down as many ideas as you can within a specific timeframe.
  • Collaborate with others – bouncing ideas off someone else can bring a fresh perspective and help generate new ideas.
  • Don’t be afraid to revisit old ideas – sometimes, a previously discarded idea can be reworked into something new and exciting.

Crafting Compelling Writing Topics

When crafting your writing topics, keep in mind that it should be clear, concise, and attention-grabbing. Here are a few tips for creating compelling writing topics:

  • Use captivating language: Avoid generic or bland titles. Instead, use descriptive and engaging words that will pique the reader’s interest.
  • Incorporate keywords: If you are writing for a specific publication or website, be sure to include relevant keywords in your title. This will not only help with SEO but also attract the right audience for your topic.
  • Make it specific: A broad topic can be overwhelming for readers. Be sure to specify what aspect or angle you will be focusing on in your writing.
  • Consider the tone: The tone of your writing topic should reflect the tone of your piece. If you are writing a humorous article, your title should be lighthearted and witty.
  • Think about the purpose: Your writing topic should align with the purpose of your writing. Is it informative, persuasive, or entertaining? Be sure that your title accurately reflects the tone and purpose of your writing.

Generating Writing Prompts

If you’re struggling to come up with a specific topic, writing prompts can provide a helpful starting point. A writing prompt is a short phrase or sentence that suggests a topic for writing. You can find writing prompts online, in writing books, or even create your own.

One prompt that may inspire you is “what should you write about?” This prompt encourages you to think about your interests, passions, expertise, and current events to come up with a writing topic that is unique and compelling.

Navigating Writer’s Block

Even the most experienced writers face writer’s block from time to time. If you find yourself stuck and unable to come up with a writing topic, don’t panic. Here are a few strategies to help you overcome writer’s block:

  • Take a break: Sometimes, the best thing you can do is step away from your writing for a while. Take a walk, do some yoga, or engage in any activity that helps clear your mind.
  • Free write: Set a timer for 10-15 minutes and write non-stop without editing or censoring your thoughts. This exercise can help get your creative juices flowing.
  • Read: Reading can help you get out of your head and into someone else’s world. It can also give you ideas for your writing.
  • Talk to someone: Conversations with friends, family, or other writers can spark new ideas and break through writer’s block. Bounce ideas off someone else, or simply have a casual conversation to get your mind off writing for a while.
  • Try a different format: If you usually write articles, try writing a poem or short story. Changing up the format can help get your creative juices flowing.

Discovering Writing Inspiration

Last but not least, the key to finding the right topics to write about is to stay inspired. Keep a notebook or journal to jot down any ideas, thoughts, or observations that may spark writing ideas. Attend writing workshops or conferences, read books by your favorite authors, and surround yourself with other creatives who can inspire you. And don’t forget to take breaks and do things that bring you joy – a happy and fulfilled mind is a creative one.

Selecting Writing Themes

In conclusion, choosing the right topics to write about takes time, effort, and creativity. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting, it’s essential to keep an open mind, embrace new experiences, and find inspiration in everyday life. Use these strategies and tips to generate unique and compelling writing topics that will engage your readers and showcase your writing skills.

And if you’re still struggling to come up with ideas, remember this – sometimes, the best topics to write about are the ones that scare you, challenge you, or make you feel vulnerable. So don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and push your boundaries – it may lead you to some of your most powerful and impactful writing yet.


What Should You Write About?

In conclusion, the process of choosing what topics to write about can be both exciting and daunting. However, by implementing various techniques such as brainstorming, exploring personal experiences, and using writing prompts, writers can overcome writer’s block and find inspiration for their writing. It is essential to consider the audience, purpose, and relevance when selecting writing ideas. With practice and dedication, writers can craft compelling and meaningful writing topics that engage readers and bring their stories to life. Remember, inspiration can be found in anything, and the key is to keep an open mind and let creativity flow. So don’t be afraid to try different approaches and experiment with diverse writing themes. With these tips and strategies, writers can confidently embark on their writing journey and produce quality content that resonates with their readers.


  • landonwong

    Landon Wong is a 34-year-old educational bloger and teacher. He has been teaching in the US for 12 years and has worked as a tutor, librarian, and high school teacher. In his spare time, he enjoys writing and teaching.