Table of Contents

Treat others as you wish to be treated.

Hill’s Christian Perspective on Commerce

Covenantal Business Ethics by Nash

Immanuel Kant’s categorical Imperative

John Stuart Mill – Utilitarianism/Negative Utilitarianism

Aristotelian Virtue Ethics emphasizes the importance of developing character traits and behaviors that are considered good and desirable.

Damon’s Four Dimensions of Business Morality


Ethical activities are those that provide the highest quality of life to the most important number. This means that an activity must be in a position to provide the greatest benefit to many people, rather than just a few. This essay examines seven ethical methods and offers a critique of them.

The Golden Rule: One should treat others the way he/she wants to be treated.

Hills Christian business ethics (keys to God and business ethics)

Covenantal Business ethics by Nash (focuses on service delivery and value delivery to employees and customers of the organization, not maximising returns).

The Categorical Imperative of Emmanuel Kant (aims to evaluate moral actions and moral judgements).

John Stuart Mill: Utilitarian or negative utilitarian (Theory allows you to distinguish between good and bad).

Aristotle’s virtue ethics (emphasizes virtues and moral character)

Damon’s business morality four-dimensional model (provides all-aspects relief for business problems). The moral instrument for all aspects in business operation can be found in these four dimensions.

The Golden Rule is the best approach. I think it helps people to understand what is wrong and what is right. A person should think about what he wants and treat others the same. This is a great way to maintain harmony within an organization. My view is that the theory is useful because it keeps people in check and encourages respect. It operates under the law on correspondence. This rule states that you should do unto others what you would want them to do to you. The rule comes in many forms and has relatives who identify with it. The rule requires that an individual be a specialist in order to determine the best method of treating others.

The theory is based on self-reflection. While this theory worked in previous social order, there are many variations in how people treat each other in modern social order. Because it only works between individuals or groups, the theory is also individualistic. If there are clashing interests or needs, the rule doesn’t hold true.

The theory, in my view, is beneficial because it maintains human dignity and respect for one another by treating each other the way they should be treated.

Hill’s Christian Ethic for BusinessThe Hill approach uses Christian ethics to guide decision-making. Hill discusses Christianity’s virtues such as justice, holiness, and adoration. These keys to God, Hill argues, are keys to business ethics. To help him clarify the three virtues, he uses three-legged stool. He says that if there are no values, it will lead to a lopsided stool. The three values are not the only thing he considers. He also considers what it means to see if justice is served. This method is simple and clear, but it has its advantages in dealing with complex business issues. The three-legged stool is more flexible than one Golden Rule and easier than other ethical approaches. Its weakness is that it does not identify what is sacred or treasured for all parties. It tests the need for an incentive when justice or love strife is occurring.

This methodology can be used in many contexts as it promotes the virtues that are essential to human life and the relationships between individuals and groups. Employers will be more likely to stay with the company if ethical approaches are used. This helps reduce turnover. Damon’s four Dimensions of Business Morality can be applied to any business operation. This makes them the ideal way of dealing with any dilemmas.

Laura Nash’s Covenantal Business Ethics The methodology emphasizes both value conveyance as well as service conveyance to employees and customers of the association. It does not aim at increasing returns. It also examines the way that administration should treat their employees. It fosters collaboration among people and stimulates business growth by creating values, trusting and respecting employees and managers.

This method is being used effectively to build trust and respect within organizations. Ethical leaders approach their staff with respect. Customers also benefit from the increased ability to estimate their cash. This approach would help me improve my service delivery skills and ensure the success of my company. This method is significant for a consumer-focused business office.

The categorical Immanuel KantThe methodology is the key idea of the deontological philosophical philosophy. It is a method to inspire a particular activity and an improvement on the Golden Rule. It assesses good judgments and actions. He uses three forms to determine good principles and sound judgments. He also discusses the human condition, as well as the sane requirements of humans.

There are more flaws than strengths in the Kantian method. It is not able to assess morals or oral judgment and does not address the consequences of certain activities. It doesn’t take into account that in certain circumstances, two evils could confront one another. This can make it difficult for agents to self-governance.

The theory cannot be used when two evils collide, so it presents an ethical problem. This methodology lacks the ability to consider the consequences and universal nature of an activity as well as the hardships that come with good self-governance. This is an increasing weakness in the ethical method.

John Stuart Mill – Utilitarianism or Negative Utilitarianism Plant says that actions and decisions are right if they promote the significant useful for a large portion of the population. Mill’s predecessor Jeremy Bentham, Mill argues for selective pleasures, which Mill considers commendable. This is why Mill refers to it (great), as Aristotle’s eudaimonia.

It is consistent with our instinct that not causing harm to people is wrong. This is one of its strengths. It is simple to use as it allows us to gauge our positive and negative actions. The theory is secular because it doesn’t depend on God’s beliefs. And, because it relies on the rule-of-utility: increasing happiness and decreasing pain, it is universal. However, this methodology has flaws. You cannot assign values or pleasure to pleasure, right and wrong. Also, it is subjective since everyone perceives happiness differently. This methodology doesn’t take into consideration the feelings of minorities.

The theory can be applied in decision-making because it considers the greater part to be subsequently more useful. Although the method is highly effective, it does not take into account the needs of the minorities. In cases of wandering opinions, it is crucial for me. The requirement for an earnest determination is mandatory.

Virtue Ethics (Aristotle). Virtue ethics emphasizes virtues, good character, rather than duties and rules of consequentialists. Therefore, it emphasizes individual character in order to make individual deductions. Ideals ethics differs from other ethical approaches because of its centrality in goodness. The righteousness ethics approach identifies two or three forms that include Eudaemonist uprightness and specialist-based, expert-based, and exemplarity ethics ethics.

The theory contains many strengths, including mapping and good reasoning. It doesn’t rely on theories, but relies on self-improvement and instilling virtuous traits. This methodology does have its weaknesses. For example, it fails to differentiate between good or bad actions. It is hard to define single motives that will lead to good advancement. And, it does not provide a way to resolve moral dilemmas.

This methodology can be used to help leaders and managers to reflect on their potential to become the kind of people they want to be and how that will impact others. It is not designed to deal with ethical problems and so the methodology does not address them.

Damon’s four Dimensions of BusinessmoralityThe methodology describes Damon’s four dimensions of Business Morality. Empathic dimension is the second. It uses perspective taking, the golden rule and other methods to form strong partnerships and relationships with members of an organization, such as employees, customers or clients. Restrictive morality is based on the use of restrictive ethics and practices to prevent harming practices, apart from disreputable ones. Humanitarian morality is based on the provision of share profits for justifiable causes. The methodology is built on these four dimensions.

This methodology offers a solution to all aspects of business problems. These four dimensions connect the ethical instrument to all aspects business activity, including products, relationships, boards, and outside institutions. Leaders can resolve ethical dilemmas in any of the four dimensions. This theory is dependent on the self-awareness of the on-screen character. The majority of managers can alter the way they make decisions. The four dimensions of morality are the basis of the method.


Burton, B. K., & Goldsby, M. (2005). A study of the golden rule and business ethic. The Journal of Business Ethics (56(4), 371-383) focuses on ethical considerations in the business setting.

Hill, A. (2017). Just business: Christian ethics and the market. InterVarsity Press is a publisher of Christian literature.

Scarre, G. (2002). Utilitarianism. Routledge.

Damon, W. (2004). The moral advantage: How business can be won by doing right. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

Swanton, C. (2013). 14 The definitions and ethics of virtue. 315. The Cambridge companion for virtue ethics.

Distelhorst, M. (2000). The Business Ethics Approach to Contractual Fairness and Good Faith: A Brief Model of Selected Managed Healthcare Environments. Ohio NUL Rev., 26, 57.


  • landonwong

    Landon Wong is a 34-year-old educational bloger and teacher. He has been teaching in the US for 12 years and has worked as a tutor, librarian, and high school teacher. In his spare time, he enjoys writing and teaching.